

  1. 目的

    的 purpose of the 通识教育 Committee is to ensure the academic integrity and to promote the continuous improvement of 雪的大学’s 通识教育 program.

  2. 会员

    的 voting body consists one elected full-time faculty 成员 from each academic division, two at-large full-time faculty representatives elected by full-time faculty, a Curriculum 委员会代表和通用电气董事(视情况而定).

    的 Vice President for Academic Affairs is a non-voting 成员 of the Committee. 的 Office of Student Success and the 注册商’s office each appoint a non-voting committee 成员.

    A 通识教育 Committee 成员’s term shall be two years (renewable). 两个部门 representatives (Business and Applied Technologies and Social Science) and one at-large representative are elected in even years; the balance are elected in odd years. If a committee 成员 is unable to complete his or her term of office, division representatives 会通过提前选举取代他吗.

  3. 主席的职责

    的 Committee will elect a representative from the elected body of the 通用电气委员会 to serve as chair for a one-year (renewable) term at or before the first meeting each 秋天. A committee 成员 shall have served the previous year on the committee to be 有资格当选为主席.

    的 chair will have the duty to call the committee into session, preside over the 会议,并提供议程. 在主席缺席的情况下,由主席 will designate an interim chair from the other division representatives on the committee. 的 chair will designate a recorder who will document and publish minutes and keep 委员会审议和决定的所有事项的档案. 主席将确保 that the minutes of the 通识教育 Committee are readily available to any interested 校园社区的一员. 主席也有责任看到校园 community is informed of any important policy updates passed by the committee.

    的 chair may invite interested 成员s of the campus community to meet with the committee 在特别的基础上. 任何人士或人士均可要求将其列入下列事项的议程 向委员会陈述某一问题的目的.

    When appropriate, the chair of the committee will coordinate with the Vice President for Academic Affairs to provide in-service training in general education curriculum 委员会成员的发展. 这可能包括访问和咨询 with general education officers and committees at nearby colleges and universities and attendance at conferences where training and new approaches to general education 开发可用.

  4. 委员的权力

    • 的 Committee's authority is derived from the Curriculum Committee and the 教师 参议院.
    • 该委员会是课程委员会的一个小组委员会.
    • 的 Committee is a legislative body with the responsibility to make policy about General 教育.
    • 的 Committee invites, initiates, reviews, and approves proposals made to the General 教育计划的成果和课程.
    • Any voting 成员 of the committee can make a motion and each voting 成员 will have 动议一票.
    • In order to pass a motion, at least 50 percent of the committee must be present.
  5. 委员会的职责

    To preserve the academic integrity of the College, the 通识教育 Committee 执行以下职责:

    1. 的 Committee keeps abreast of and facilitates the implementation of best practices GE课程开发.
    2. 的 Committee ensures that the GE curriculum meets high standards of rigor and excellence and is consistent with Utah System of Higher 教育 policy (R470).
    3. 的 Committee makes, reviews, and enforces policies regarding the creation, maintenance, modification, and elimination of general education courses and requirements.
    4. 的 Committee oversees the regular assessment of GE courses and the GE program outcomes.
    5. In collaboration with Curriculum Committee, the Committee has the responsibility of creating general guidelines for the creation of GE courses; divisions and departments 保留确定课程确切内容的权力.
    6. 的 Committee cooperates with interested parties (including but not limited to the Curriculum Committee, 参议院, deans, department chairs, and the 注册商) to ensure 它的政策和要求是建设性的和合理的.
    7. In collaboration with deans, the 注册商, and the VPAA, the Committee has the responsibility of ensuring that a sufficient selection of GE requirements are offered each semester.
    8. 的 Committee hears and rules on student appeals for GE course substitutions. 的 chair will notify both the student and 注册商 of appeal decisions.
    9. In the situation where a 通识教育 Director is hired, the Committee will be involved in the hiring and the annual review of the 通识教育 Director. If the Committee does not believe that the director or chair is functioning in accordance with the will of the College and Committee, in consultation with the VPAA, the Committee 可以发起“不信任”听证会吗. 2/3的多数票可以通过这项建议 of the dismissal of the Director of 通识教育 or the chair. 在这个场景中, 当事人将不是有投票权的成员.
    10. 委员会向课程委员会报告新的行动.
    11. 的 Committee publishes agendas and minutes conspicuously and in a timely manner.
    12. 委员会举行公开会议. 委员会保留进入关闭状态的权利 必要时进行会话.
  6. 修订及上诉

    This Constitution can be amended by a 2/3 majority vote of the 通识教育 Committee which is subsequently ratified by a simple majority vote of the Curriculum Committee 和教务委员会. Appeals to 通识教育 Committee decisions should initially be directed to the 通用电气委员会 where interested parties can state their concerns. 后续 上诉应向课程委员会提出.

  7. 规章制度

    的 通识教育 Committee drafts its own bylaws covering day-to-day operations, 时间表和程序.