

雪的大学 Ad Hoc 通识教育 Assessment Committee
In attendance: Tracie Bradley, 帕蒂 Meredith, Mel Jacobsen,
LaFaun Barnhurst, Clinton King, Joseph Papenfuss, Jeff Carney


Clinton moved, with 帕蒂 seconding, to approve the minutes for 10.28.11. 运动 全票通过.
Joseph moved, with Mel Jacobsen seconding, to approve the minutes for 11.11.11. 的 动议获得一致通过。.


帕蒂 indicated that the Fine Arts Division remains concerned about the removal of old GE Outcome #9 ("responds with informed sensitivity about an artistic work or experience"). 的 group discussed the merits of merging some of that language into new Outcome #5, so that it would read as 如下: "can reason analytically, critically, creatively, and with informed sensitivity about nature, culture, facts, values, ethics, and civic policy;" Clinton moved, with Mel Jacobsen seconding, to approve that change. 看到 addendum to these minutes for more information on this topic.


Jeff pointed out that the ad hoc committee's charter expires at the end of the semester. Part of the committee's purpose is to decide how GE should be handled in the future. Jeff described a number of options and indicated those that he favored. 这些是 如下:
• That an official 通用电气委员会 be created;
• that it be a sub-committee of the Curriculum Committee;
• that it be responsible for developing, reviewing, and assessing the college's GE 成果和课程;
• and that it be a true legislative body, reporting its actions to the Curriculum 委员会作为同意事项.
的 assumption is that, if the curriculum committee approves this recommendation, the existing committee would carry on in this new capacity. 克林顿和约瑟夫一起搬走了 seconding, to approve the recommendation and forward it to the Curriculum Committee. 这项动议获得一致通过.


Shortly before the college recessed for Thanksgiving, Jeff emailed the committee with 对结果#5所做改变的担忧. 他的担忧和简短的电子邮件讨论 下文转载如下:


Here is the revised [outcome]: can reason analytically, critically, creatively, and with sensitivity about nature, culture, facts, values, ethics, and civic policy; In the original version of Outcome # 5, we were saying that
a student should be able to think analytically, critically, creatively about nature, culture, facts, values, ethics, and civic policy. 修改后的版本增加了这个功能 to think with sensitivity about nature, culture, facts, values, ethics, and civic policy; I don't think this is what we mean. 从字面上看,我们现在期望a physics class to teach students to reason with sensitivity about electromotive force. 的 intent, I think, is for students to think with sensitivity about the kinds of 人们会敏感地思考的事情. 像艺术一样. 保持这个意图和 the word sensitivity, I think we'll have to go back to the language of the original 结果: Respond with informed sensitivity to an artistic work or experience. 否则, I don't see a neat way of inserting "sensitivity" into the current framework.


So do away with the new outcome and go back to the old one? 或者创建两个?


Jeff, will this be added to outcome #5 as a second statement, or given its own outcome? 两种方法都适用


杰夫,我相信你的直觉. 你似乎对集体有影响 全体教员的脉搏和我都同意
that "sensitivity" might be problematic in certain G.E. 结果. 如果“敏感”这个词 不包括在
G的一部分.E. outcome, this does not exclude the possibility of including the word 在个人课程的SLO中. If certain courses and respective faculty members 在艺术 & Humanities wish to emphasize sensitivity, then by all means write SLO's and cowpies to reflect your "sensitive" feelings about "sensitivity."


If we use the "informed sensitivity" outcome, I was imagining it as a distinct outcome, much as the quantitative reasoning outcome is now.




我同意你的看法. [quote redacted] Thank you for being sensitive to this issue. It 对一个细分市场非常重要吗


I think two separate outcome statements would work. 在商业技术中,我们使用 the current GE Outcome #9 for some of our courses.


I honestly have no strong opinions either way on this topic. 我理解这种需要 to use precise language that means what we think it means, but I also think that the course level slo's and kpi's that are chosen to match a particular program level outcome (such as the one under discussion) go a long way toward explaining what we actually 预期发生.


我想提议我们:1. 删除敏感的语言,我们 星期五加到
新成果5. 2. add the following as a new outcome "Respond with informed sensitivity to an artistic work or experience" LaFaun seconded the motion. 赞成的票数是 received from Jeff, Melanie, Joseph, and Mel Jacobsen. 从技术上讲,这项动议是有效的.


A student who graduates from 雪的大学 with an AS or AA degree:
1. has a fundamental knowledge of human cultures and the natural world, with particular 强调:
2. can read, retrieve, evaluate, interpret, and deliver information using a variety 传统的和电子的
3. can speak and write effectively and respectfully as a member of the global community, 作为团队的一员有效地工作;
4. can reason quantitatively in a variety of contexts;
5. can respond with informed sensitivity to an artistic work or experience;
6. can reason analytically, critically, creatively about nature, culture, facts, values, ethics, and civic policy; can address complex problems by integrating the knowledge and 多学科方法论. A student who graduates from 雪的大学 with AA学位;
8. can speak, read, and write a foreign language with basic proficiency.